I’m trying something new with these audio recordings to supplement my blog posts. Maybe the pattern will catch on. Stay tuned and let me know what you think!

For this week’s piece, I invited my wife and travel consultant extraordinaire, Lauren-Ashley to offer some practitioner insight to my initial thoughts about luxury brands at the airport.

[audio-clammr mp3=”http://www.aaronjbarnes.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Luxury-at-the-Aiprot.mp3″]


Read the full article.

2 thoughts on “The Psychology Behind Luxury at the Airport [AUDIO]

  1. I also think that the mindset of being on vacation or traveling internationally carries with it a spirit of luxury and indulgence. We almost tell ourselves “We worked hard and saved up to make this trip so why cut corners now? Let’s get the best of the best!”

    1. I agree. There might be a kind of inertia that happens when we start an experience that we think is supposed to be an indulgence…

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