Many of us have professional or personal interests that require us to generate content. Whether you’re a professor or an entrepreneur, or many other titles in between, content is likely to be the currency that sustains your livelihood.

Writing everyday has helped clarify my thinking, hone my logical arguments, and reduce stress.

I recognized this early on in my pursuits to professorship, and I tried to get in the daily writing habit during my days at NYU. Back then, I used a fancy web app to write every day, but I fell off after a few weeks. Listen in below to hear why I think I failed my first go ’round.

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Now, with only a word processor and the encouragement of my friend (and future Dr.) Broderick Turner, I’ve been writing every day for over 6 months. It has easily been one of the best decisions I have made in my professional career.

Writing everyday has helped clarify my thinking, hone my logical arguments, and reduce the some of the stress that comes with juggling multiple projects. It would seem that the universe is reinforcing my new new habits because after starting this daily writing journey, my work has been accepted (and recognized) at competitive conferences, rewarded by funding agencies, and requested by various outlets. Of course, there could be other reasons for these blessings, but confirmation bias. 😉

Broderick does an excellent job of summarizing why we all should write every day. Hopefully, you will read it and be inspired to start writing today…and the next day, and the next day…

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